A hair transplant is a surgical method of treating baldness and the thinning areas of the scalp or beard using the patient's own hair. The doctor harvests hair from the back or sides of the head (where the hair is genetically programmed to grow throughout life) and transplants it into the areas which needs covering.

A hair transplant is the only proven effective method for permanently restoring hair growth in bald or thinning areas of the scalp in men.

Today, there are a number of different techniques in the field of hair transplantation, but the vast majority of treatments are performed using FUE, as it is the most gentle treatment method that allows to create completely natural results without leaving scars.

Read more about FUE

Novohair is approved by ISHRS to perform FUE hair transplants for men. All our treatments are performed using the so-called Lion Implants, which make it possible to determine the direction of hair growth and create a result that is indistinguishable from your natural hair.

Read more about Lion Implants

Our clinic in Berlin offers FUE hair transplantation without the need for shaving, so you can go to work or go to a wedding the day after your hair transplant at Novohair.

FUE hairtransplant with Lion Implants
No shaving – no visible traces of treatment
100% natural results

Contact us if you suffer from hair loss and would like to learn more about what we can do for you.



Contact us today and get a nonbinding and free consultation. You are more than welcome to give us a call. We will give you expert advice regarding options for your treatment and answers to all your questions. Based on the consultation or conversation, we jointly put together a treatment plan to acommodate your needs.